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The Lagertha API facilitates the integration of end-to-end encryption by creating, managing, and distributing the necessary encryption keys to various users. It ensures the secure management of encryption keys, enabling secure and private communication between stakeholders.


  • Server with Ubuntu LTS 22.04 or higher.
  • Docker and Docker Compose installed.
  • Administrative permissions on the server.


You can download the zip archive of the 0.1.3 version of the Lagertha API.

Download Lagertha API version 0.1.3


Extract the installation folder:

Extract the contents of the archive to your desired directory on the server and navigate to that directory:

unzip <your_directory>

Navigate to the decompressed archive directory:

cd <your_directory>

Initial configuration:

Lancez la commande suivante pour démarrer l'installation :

make install

This command will:

  • Generate the .env file based on the prompts.
  • Generate security certificates.
  • Launch the necessary containers via Docker Compose.

Database migrations:

Run the migrations to prepare the database:

make migration

Description of services

Once launched, the following services will be active and necessary for the proper functioning of the API:

  • PostgreSQL : Relational database.
  • Redis : Used for data caching.
  • Redis (Key Fragments) : 3 Redis instances configured for key fragmentation.
  • Debian (API) : Main container running the API.
  • OpenSearch Nodes : Two nodes for API log management.
  • OpenSearch Dashboard : User interface to interact with and visualize the OpenSearch nodes.

The Lagertha API is now launched and available at the URL:
